2011. szeptember 21., szerda

A Better tomorrow - 18 éven felülieknek - Jelenlegi ára: 600 Ft

A film by JOHN WOO
Super cool mobster Mark (Chow Yun Fat) is a man of honour in a world of crime. His partner Ho (Ti Lung) is having second thoughts because kidbrother Kit (Leslie Cheung) is an ambitious cop. Kit remains blissfully ignorant untill Ho is double crossed, their father is murdered and ho is imprisoned. Mark svears to avenge his friend, his right leg is imprisoned. Mark swears to avenge his friend, but his right leg is shattered int he ensuing shoot-out, a legendary scene of sensationally choreographed gunplay. When Ho leaves the slammer he finds the crippled Mark reducedv to scrubbing dirt of the gang boss’ s srecht limo. Both are determined to go straight, but neither Kit nor The Crimelords are done with them yet. Finally, Mark, Ho and Kit must face their destiny in a blazig crossfire of conflicting loyal ties and hot lead. Who vill survive…
Suitable only for persons of 18 years and over
Running time94 mins.
Játékidő:  94 perc
Hang: angol
Több DVD vásárlásakor postaköltség megegyezik 1 db vásárlásakor fizetendőével!
- ajánlott levélként 420 Ft (több DVD vásárlásakor is csak 420 Ft),
-  sima levélként - a vevő felelősségére - 195 Ft. (több DVD vásárlásakor is csak 195 Ft)

Jelenlegi ára: 600 Ft

Az aukció vége: 2011-10-04 03:14
. A Better tomorrow - 18 éven felülieknek - Jelenlegi ára: 600 Ft